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Kay Papenfuss is a fiber artist who has been creating for most of her life.  She started making doll clothes when she was 9 years old and soon was making garments for herself and her family.  She used scraps from garments for quilts.   Kay transitioned from making conventional quilts to creating art quilts in 2005.  Kay is a qualified Quilt Judge with the Tennessee Valley Quilting Association and serves as a judge for local shows, county fairs and the Tennessee State Fair.   Her work has been exhibited at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, Gallery Luperca in East Nashville, West Tennessee Regional Art Center, Humboldt, TN. The Norfolk d’Art Center, Norfolk, VA, and The Downtown Art Center, The Customs House Museum and Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN. She interned at The Tennessee Agricultural Museum in Nashville cataloging their textile collection and repaired textiles with Margaret Ordonez, PhD, Textile Conservation Services, Camden, TN. Kay is an artist, designer, author and working on her second degree in art and design at Austin Peay State University. She will receive a BFA in Studio Arts in May 2022.